Though widely considered a vegetable, the tomato is in fact a fruit. Equally at home in salads, on burgers, or plain and sliced, tomatoes are arguably the most often consumed fruit in the average household kitchen. Rich in vitamin C and the antioxidant lycopene, tomato juice is nowadays regarded as something of an all-around health elixir. Which begs the question: Is fresh tomato juice better for you than tomato juice from concentrate?
Tomato: A Miniature Fountain of Youth
Freshly squeezed juice is always a better bet than juice from concentrate. Fresh tomato juice provides real vitamins and antioxidants. Juice from concentrate offers vitamins and antioxidants, but these nutrients are synthetic, added back to the juice by the manufacturer. Tomato juice often contains added vitamin C. Juices from concentrate also contain added salt in amounts far exceeding what you might obtain from one or two freshly juiced tomatoes. However, when consumed in moderation, 1/2 cup or less per day, tomato juice from concentrate is still a healthy, convenient way to fulfill daily fruit and vegetable requirements.
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Writer Bio
Born in New York City, Tremaine Jackson has been in theater, dance and music since age 12, when he appeared in Liz Swados' "Swing" at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. He is also an award winning children's recording artist. He writes fiction and poetry in his spare time.
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