How to Cook Wild Boar Ribs

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Because wild boar is related to the domestic pig, cooking boar ribs is similar to cooking pork ribs. The major difference is that boar ribs are significantly leaner than pork ribs, so you need to take some extra steps to ensure that the meat is tender and flavorful. An acidic brine will help tenderize the meat, and a traditional barbecue sauce brings in some familiar flavors alongside the strong flavor of the wild game.

Boil 1 gallon chicken stock, 1 cup apple cider vinegar, 4 cloves minced garlic and 1/2 chopped onion in a large stock pot or Dutch oven.

Place the wild boar ribs in the boiling brine and wait for it to come up to a boil again. If you have a long rack of ribs, you might need to cut it in half to fit it in the pot.

Turn the temperature down to a simmer and cook the ribs for 75 to 90 minutes, or until they are tender.

Remove the ribs from the pot and allow them to cool until you can handle them. If you would like, you can refrigerate the ribs at this point and finish preparing them anytime in the next two days.

Spread your favorite barbecue sauce over the ribs. You can cut the ribs apart before spreading the sauce over them to increase the surface area and barbecue flavor.

Grill the ribs over medium-low heat until they are heated through and the sauce has darkened in color. Alternately, smoke or bake the ribs at 250 F for about two hours. Add more barbecue sauce during the cooking time if needed.