It's normal for everyone's feet to sweat, but some people struggle with wetness and odor more than others. Store-bought foot deodorizers may keep bad smells at bay, but they're often full of harsh additives that don't do your skin any favors. Skip the chemical and make your own foot deodorizer instead out of natural ingredients found in your own kitchen.

Add a quart of water to a pot. Bring the water to a slow boil on the stove, then add five tea bags. Allow the tea to steep in the water for up to 10 minutes. Wait for the tea to cool, then pour it into a large bowl or dishpan. Soak your feet in the tea for 30 minutes. Pat dry with a towel, but do not rinse.

Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with a few drops of water to make a thick paste. Rub the baking soda into your toes and the soles of your feet. Rinse the paste off with water, then pat your feet dry. Dust your feet with foot powder or cornstarch before putting on shoes to ward off further wetness and odor.

Make a mixture of one part aloe gel and three parts tea tree oil. Rub the mixture into your feet. The tea tree oil serves as an antiseptic, so it kills bacteria and germs. This solution may also eliminate athlete's foot.

Combine 1 cup of distilled water, 1/4 cup witch hazel and seven drops of tea tree oil in a spray bottle. Add three drops of any essential oil such as lavender, sage, rose or geranium. Put the lid on the bottle and shake well. Spray the mixture all over your feet whenever you need to get rid of odor. You can also spray the insides of your shoes with this to prevent bad smells from building up.

Mix 1 cup of cider vinegar with 2 quarts of warm water. Soak your feet in the vinegar mixture for 30 minutes, then rinse and dry.
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- When feet sweat, they're more likely to smell. Wear socks with shoes when possible to prevent excessive sweating.
- Discontinue use and see your doctor immediately if you have an allergic reaction to any natural foot deodorizer.
Writer Bio
Melissa King began writing in 2001. She spent three years writing for her local newspaper, "The Colt," writing editorials, news stories, product reviews and entertainment pieces. She is also the owner and operator of Howbert Freelance Writing. King holds an Associate of Arts in communications from Tarrant County College.
Photo Credits
Jocelyn Vodnik/Demand Media