The History of Deep Fat Fryers

Admittedly so, deep fat fryers do not have the best of reputations. Most healthy individuals avoid eating deep fried food if they can help it. The reason deep fried food is so unhealthy is because of the oil that absorbs into the food as it is being cooked. The temperature of the oil is what allows the oil to penetrate the food. The food is dry if it is overcooked.

History of Frying

Deep frying is the practice of frying food in oil or fat, and it can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians. For many nations, the act of immersing food in animal fat or vegetable fat has been a longstanding tradition.

For our ancestors, frying food was a quick and easy way to cook their food. This made it easy for them to obtain the much-needed nourishment they were seeking. It was also pleasing to the palate. Today, frying food is a wonderful solution to our hurried lifestyles and day-to-day life.


National Pesto Industries is recognized as a leader in the electric housewares industries. With a long history of innovation, the company was founded in 1905 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. At that time, the company manufactured industrial-sized pressure canners. These pressure canners were known as “canner retorts.”

Eventually, Pesto introduced a new concept in deep fryers: the introduction of the FryBaby electric deep fryer. The FryBaby deep fryer was very popular, promising to maintain the ideal frying temperature, easily making only two servings of food.

Our Ancestors Used Deep Frying as a Means of Preserving

Deep frying food is also a way of preserving the food. Chicken, which has been deep fried in the morning, can still be served for dinner that evening. This is most likely why our ancestors chose this method of food preparation. The best oils to use in a deep fryer are sunflower oil, safflower oil and avocado oil. All these oils can be heated to a high degree without smoking.

When thinking about the preservation of food, consider donuts and noodles. All of these foods have quite a long shelf life.

Cultural History

Each culture has its own history with regards to deep frying. Some cultures tend to use olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, peanut oil, flax seed oil, sunflower oil, vegetable oil or hazelnut oil to cook their food. By combining certain spices with certain types of oil for deep frying, the cook and individuals eating the food can really change the taste of their food.

Deep Fried Pizza and Its History

Deep fried pizza is a very popular dish in countries such as Scotland, where it originated in the 1970s, and Italy. It is often served with a side of potato wedges and is usually smothered in a brown sauce, offered with a variety of toppings. The simplest deep fried pizza is pizza dough topped with salt or sugar and deep fried. This is known as pizzarella, awoltolo and gnocco fritto, as well as several other names.

Another variation of deep fried pizza is called pizza crunch. Pizza crunch consists of slices of pizza, which are battered and deep fried, and usually served with chips. It is also common for the entire pieces to be deep fried.

History of Deep Fried Mars Bars

Deep fried Mars Bars started out as a gag food in a 1980s comedy series originating in Australia. It eventually made its way to British fish and chips shops. Deep fried Mars Bars were said to have been first created in the Haven Chip Bar in Stonehaven on Scotland’s North-East Coast. There is some conflicting information regarding where exactly deep fried Mars Bars first originated, as another source lists the first mention of deep friend Mars Bars being in 1995. The fact remains that this artery-clogging treat is still a favorite throughout the world.