Effectively communicating can produce positive results. Whether the communication is between friends, parents and children, or with a boss and the employee, it’s important to practice positive techniques when relaying messages between one person and another. Poor communication between two people can sometimes be the reason a relationship comes to an end.
Be Attentive
Listen to the person and be attentive. Pay attention to the topic that is being discussed. Instead of forming an opinion, try to just listen and see how the conversation turns out. Before moving forward, reflect back on the conversation and make sure you understood what was just said. If you have any questions, do not be afraid to ask. At the same time, wait until the appropriate time to ask questions, instead of interrupting the one talking. A break in the conversation may result in the person talking losing his train of thought, which may seem inconsiderate on your part.
Body Language
Be aware of body language during communication. Allow your body to show that you are interested in what the person is saying. Sit or stand up straight while listening. Do not roll your eyes, play with your hair, pop bubble gum or look around the room during the conversation. Doing this may cause the speaker to believe you are not interested in anything that is being said, or perhaps you are in a rush to leave. Instead of yawning and looking bored, look directly at the person speaking, nod your head when appropriate and follow the conversation as well as you can.
Do Not Pass the Blame
Communicate without passing the blame. Instead of saying “you” redirect it at yourself with “I feel a certain way and would like to discuss this issue.” If you are angry or upset, count to 10 before attempting a conversation. Positive communication can occur when both people are calm and there is no blame directed at one single person. Be sure your thoughts are expressed accordingly. Always listen to the other person’s point of view, and when it is your turn to discuss your own feelings on the matter, talk in a clear voice, free of anger and accusations.
Allow Time to Communicate
Set aside enough time to have a conversation. Even if tempers are flaring, and something has set you off suddenly, consider the time and place and whether or not communication would be appropriate. Having a discussion in the middle of a hallway, busy office or around nosy co-workers, friends and family may not result in a positive outcome. Instead ask the other person if she has time later to discuss the issue. Arrange a place to talk that will allow positive communication between the two of you.
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