It's charming when your cheeks flush a light rosy color when feeling shy or nervous. However, unwanted redness caused by irritation or other skin conditions is embarrassing and sometimes, physically uncomfortable. Skin dryness, changes in hormone levels and skin allergies are just a few of the common causes of redness. However, skin redness can also indicate a serious underlying medical condition. It is always a good idea to first visit your physician to learn more about the source of your specific skin issues. Once medical conditions are ruled out, you can treat many redness problems with home remedies and skin calming beauty products.
Step 1
First take a look at your diet. Eat foods that diminish redness, such as carrots and sweet potatoes. Look for foods high in antioxidants--these hydrate your skin internally, preventing unnecessary flushing of the skin. Steer clear of spicy foods, which will also trigger flushing incidents. Additionally, drink plenty of water and avoid consuming too many caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, tea and soda.
Step 2
Throw away any exfoliating products that can irritate your skin. For example, you should avoid home microdermabrasion treatments and harsh body scrubs. Such products can trigger redness and itching. Also, replace beauty supplies containing potential aggravators -- like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide -- with gentler formulas. Look for mild skin cleansers and moisturizers made for sensitive skin.
Step 3
Treat your face to a soothing clay mask weekly. Apply the mask to damp skin and allow it to dry for 20 minutes. Gently wipe away the mask with a warm washcloth, and moisturize your skin. A clay mask treatment, specifically one with white kaolin, oatmeal, and aloe vera gel or water, can cool and soothe inflamed skin.
Step 4
Rinse your face daily with cool water, and cleanse away excess oil and dirt with a hypoallergenic or sensitive cleanser. Pat skin dry; do not rub the skin. Apply a few drops of facial serum infused with soothing olive oil or seaweed. Do not use citrus-based cleansing products on sensitive skin.
Step 5
Try home remedies to control redness, such as a honey mask. Apply natural honey to damp, warm skin. Leave it on for 30 minutes then rinse with cool water. The natural properties of honey will reduce inflammation; however, do not use the honey treatment if you have a sunburn.
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- Always wear sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher. Spending even a short time in the sun can make your skin burn and itch.
- Skin products containing green tea, cucumber and oatmeal are soothing for the skin.
- For some people, drinking alcohol triggers redness. You should limit your alcohol consumption.
Writer Bio
Mimi Bullock's writing reflects her love of traveling the back roads of small towns and sampling the local cuisine. As a regular feature writer for "Southern Hospitality Traveler" and journalist for "Beachin' Magazine," she gets to experience the rich heritage of the southern culture. She is also a licensed cosmetologist who has her own skin care line.
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