Sirloin is a favorite choice for busy cooks because of its versatility. This cut falls in the middle between tender and tough, which means that it can be marinated or rubbed with spices before cooking. A thin cut cooks in a minimal amount of time, ensuring that your evening isn’t spent slaving over a hot grill. Marinating or using a spice rub is important for flavor and tenderizing. A spice rub keeps the meat flavorful down to every last bite, while a marinade works deep into the meat to keep it tender and succulent.
Step 1
Salt the steaks before anything else. Then salt them again. Kosher salt is the best choice. Salt keeps the steak tender while grilling.
Step 2
Add a spice rub or marinade to the steaks. Prep the steaks the night before, leaving them in the refrigerator overnight, or an hour before you’re ready to grill. Leave the meat at room temperature if using the latter option.
Step 3
Heat up your grill. A gas grill should have one section set on medium high heat, with another at low heat. You’ll need both levels of heat to grill the perfect steak. For a charcoal grill, a two-zone fire is perfect. To create a two zone charcoal fire, make a slanted pile of coals on one side of the grill to make it hotter than the other side.
Step 4
Grill the steaks, flipping once during the grilling process. On the higher heat, cook the steaks for three to four minutes, flipping once. Move them to a low-heat section of the grill and cook for five to eight minutes more, flipping once, depending on how well done you prefer your steak. This will give you a medium steak. Grill less on low heat for a rarer steak and longer on the high heat for a more well-done steak.
Step 5
Place the steaks on a plate, cover with foil, and let sit for three to five minutes before serving to allow the juices to settle within the meat.
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Writer Bio
Melissa Hamilton began writing professionally in 2007. She has enjoyed cooking creatively in the kitchen from a young age. In addition to writing cooking articles for various publications, she currently works in the restaurant industry as a food and beverage trainer.
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