Can You Cut a Prime Rib Roast in Half for It to Cook Faster?

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Nothing beats a juicy prime rib when it comes to feeding your family or guests. They are a great choice for families because you can make several other meals with the leftovers. The downside is that they take a long time to cook -- not exactly ideal for the busy mom with a family on the go. Unfortunately, cutting a prime rib roast in half will not cook it faster -- it will just give you two smaller roasts that will take the same amount of time to cook through the center. In order to speed up the cooking process, sear the prime rib before you roast it.

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 500, or 450 degrees Fahrenheit, if your oven is not designed to reach 500 degrees.

Step 2

Season the roast. A simple dash of salt and pepper works best if you are going to use the leftovers in other meals. Too much seasoning will overpower the flavor of the meat, and might not appeal to your children.

Step 3

Place the prime rib in a roasting pan. Do not add water or cover the roast. It should be resting on its ribs, with the round, fatty side up. Insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part of the roast.

Step 4

Sear the prime rib roast for 15 minutes at 500 degrees Fahrenheit, or 30 minutes if the oven is set at 450 degrees. Lower the temperature to 325 degrees and continue to bake according to how much your roast weighs. On average, it should take about another 15 minutes per pound to cook the roast, but monitor the temperature to be sure.

Step 5

Remove the prime rib roast from the oven and set it on the counter to rest. Place an aluminum foil tent over the roast. Let it sit for about 20 minutes.