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Blended families often face challenges, but they offer many benefits as well. Successful blended families take everyone's feelings into consideration and work together as a team. Step-families can provide children with financial stability and an extended support group of caring individuals. Establishing a new household requires a period of adjustment, but once the dust settles, the advantages can be tremendous.
Healthy Parental Relationship
Merging two families can take the stress off of one or both parents. Single parents that are recovering from divorce or spousal death understand the difficulties of parenting alone and can take comfort in having a partner. They may not have much couple time, but they can draw strength from each other. According to HealthyChildren.org, a successful blended family depends on factors such as the quality of the new marriage. Happy parents can promote happier children since kids benefit from seeing their parents less stressed. A happy remarriage provides children with a good model of marital interaction, states an article from Education.com.
Financial Support
Blended families can provide a more stable financial base for their children. Single parents often struggle to make ends meet and may suffer a substantial loss of income following divorce or the death of a spouse. When parents remarry, their combined resources can provide a sense of security for the family. Increased income results in more opportunities and a decreased amount of stress related to financial worries, states Education.com.
Problem Solving
Children raised in blended families learn to be more flexible and resolve conflicts. They must adapt to new people and situations due to their new living arrangement. They may not readily adjust to their new circumstances so they must learn to compromise. These children often develop good problem-solving skills. Their extended family provides them with more role models to set good examples and provide guidance.
More Loving Family Members
A blended family also provides children with more loving, responsible adults in their lives. New siblings provide an only child with playmates and companionship. Grandparents and other relatives can offer child care for working parents. They can also provide a network of support to nurture and teach the children. Grandparents can tell stories and share experiences. More family members also means more love and that is a huge advantage for any child.
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Writer Bio
Darlene Zagata has been a professional writer since 2001, specializing in health, parenting and pet care. She is the author of two books and a contributing author to several anthologies. Zagata attended the Laurel Business Institute to study in the medical assistant/secretarial program. She earned her associate degree through the U.S. Career Institute.
Photo Credits
Mike Watson Images/moodboard/Getty Images