How to Cook Beef Tenderloin With the Turn Off Oven Method

Roast pork filet

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Beef tenderloin is a cut that's taken from the section of the loin underneath the ribs and next to the backbone of a side of beef. Because the tenderloin muscles are used for posture only and have very little connective tissue, they produce roasts that are juicy and fork-tender. Roast a beef tenderloin to tender, juicy perfection in your oven using the oven-off method. Serve the tenderloin with a baked potato and a green salad or steamed vegetables for a healthy and hearty dinner.

Preheat the oven to 475 degrees Fahrenheit.

Trim any visible fat from the beef tenderloin using a sharp knife; removing the fat from the tenderloin before cooking it shaves unwanted calories and saturated fat from your meal.

Rub the beef tenderloin with 3 tablespoons of softened butter; for a healthier option, use 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil instead. Sprinkle the tenderloin with seasonings to taste. Fresh ground pepper, garlic powder, horseradish and mustard are flavorful options that compliment the flavor of the beef. Salt the beef tenderloin sparingly if you're watching your sodium intake.

Transfer the tenderloin to a roasting pan. Place the roasting pan on the center rack of the oven.

Roast the tenderloin for 15 minutes. Turn off the oven and allow the tenderloin to sit in the oven for an additional 15 minutes; do not open the oven door.

Remove the beef tenderloin from the oven and cover it with aluminum foil. Allow the tenderloin to rest, covered in foil, for 30 minutes before serving for medium rare beef.