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The venison backstrap is known for being a lean, tender steak that provides a lean source of protein. But the lean texture requires a specific cooking process to maintain this natural flavor and texture. While you can prepare the venison backstrap steaks by using a variety of cooking methods, a grill provides a natural smoky flavor.
Preheat the grill to medium-high heat. You must cook tender cuts of venison like backstrap steaks quickly with high heat.
Trim any excess silver skin or fat from the outside of the venison backstrap steak. This helps to ensure your steak will be tender and flavorful.
Cut the steaks into 3/4- to 1-inch-thick pieces. Either butterfly the steaks or slice straight through the backstrap.
Coat each backstrap steak with a light layer of olive oil and then sprinkle on kosher salt and black pepper. Add herbs, spices or rubs for an individualized flavor.
Place the steaks on the grill and cook for five to seven minutes.
Flip the steaks with tongs and cook for another five to seven minutes. Always use tongs or a spatula when flipping the steaks to prevent piercing the meat.
Cook the venison backstrap steaks to an internal temperature of 130 degrees for medium-rare doneness level. Check the internal temperature of the steaks with a meat thermometer.
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Writer Bio
Based in Nebraska, Jeremy Hoefs began writing fitness, nutrition, outdoor and hunting articles in 2006. His articles have been published in "Star City Sports," "Hunting Fitness Magazine" and RutWear field journals, as well as on the Western Whitetail website. Hoefs graduated with a Bachelor of Science in exercise science from Nebraska Wesleyan University.
Photo Credits
SvetaVo/iStock/Getty Images