Joseph_Fotografie/iStock/Getty Images
While the word “hibachi” technically refers to a specific implement – originally a type of room heater -- it has come to mean the type of cooking done on a Japanese teppan table, which resembles a large, flat griddle. Hibachi cooking is generally done quickly at a fairly high temperature, which is not the best method for cooking raw rice. Cooking your rice ahead of time allows you to add authentic flavor on the hibachi without having to worry about attaining the proper texture.
Bring water, chicken broth or vegetable stock to a rolling boil over medium-high heat. You will need twice as much liquid as rice for most types of rice, though jasmine and basmati rice often call for 1 3/4 cups of liquid for each 1 cup of rice.
Bring the rice back to a boil, cover the pot and turn the heat down as low as it will go. Cook the rice for the time recommended on its packaging, usually from 10 to 45 minutes. Fluff the rice with a fork.
Beat 1 to 2 eggs in a small bowl with a bit of salt and pepper until they are creamy and smooth. Set them aside.
Mince garlic and fresh ginger into fine pieces. Cut green onions and carrots into pieces a little larger than a pea or a large kernel of corn. Preparing the vegetables ahead of time allows you to add them as needed without interrupting the actual cooking.
Line the bottom of a skillet with oil. Choose oils like olive, canola or vegetable, and a dollop of sesame oil for flavoring. Heat the oil over medium-high heat until you can smell its scent and the surface shimmers.
Cook the garlic and ginger for no more than 1 to 2 minutes, stirring them to keep them from sticking or scorching.
Add the carrots and cook them for 2 minutes or so, until they are just starting to soften. Stir them as they cook so that they don’t stick to the skillet. Stir in the peas, corn and green onions and cook them just until they are heated through.
Mix a little more oil into the vegetables – just a spoonful or two – and add the rice. Stir the rice gently to ensure that it is completely coated with oil and thoroughly incorporated into the vegetables.
Make a well in the center of the rice and vegetables and pour in the beaten egg. Let is set for 30 seconds or so and stir it as though making scrambled eggs. Mix the egg in with the rice and vegetables once it is almost cooked through. Season with soy sauce to taste.
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Writer Bio
Brynne Chandler raised three children alone while travelling, remodeling old homes, taking classes at the Unioversity of California Northridge and enjoying a successful career writing TV Animation. Her passions include cooking, tinkering, decorating and muscle cars. Brynne has been writing fun and informative non-fiction articles for almost a decade. She is hard at work on her first cookbook, which combines healthy eating with science-based natural remedies.
Photo Credits
Joseph_Fotografie/iStock/Getty Images