Whether you’re grilling baked, sliced or cubed potatoes, there's some preparation required, including the use of tinfoil to protect them from high flames and hot temperatures. When grilling, use any type of potatoes you enjoy most, but larger and thicker-skinned spuds are best at standing up to the heat of the grill. Thus, russet potatoes are an ideal choice.
Cubed Grilled Potatoes
Wash the potatoes thoroughly in cool water with a vegetable scrubber or give them a good scrub with your hands if you don’t have one. Potatoes grow in the ground and have residual dirt on them, especially in the indentations.
Slice your potatoes with a sharp knife into cubes that are no larger than 2 inches thick by cutting the potato in half, then cutting each of the halves into half again, creating quarters. Slice the quarters into small chunks and place them into a large mixing bowl.
Season the potatoes with olive or vegetable oil, salt, pepper or with herbs, such as basil or Italian seasonings. Mix the ingredients into the bowl with the potatoes and stir with a spoon.
Tear off a long piece of tin foil. The foil needs to be long enough so you’re able to spread the potatoes out in thin, single layer, along with room to wrap foil over the top to make a sealed pouch.
Dump potatoes out of the bowl and onto the foil sheet spreading potatoes out into a single layer and pull the long sides of the foil up around the potatoes, meeting in the middle and fold together, creating a closed seam. Roll both ends of the foil toward the center.
Place on a hot grill for 25 minutes, remove potato packet with tongs and serve immediately.
Whole Baked Potatoes
Wash potatoes with cool water and a vegetable scrubber or with your hands, using a wringing motion around the potato until all excess dirt is removed.
Polk ventilation holes by stabbing the potatoes a few times with a fork. If you don’t allow the steam from the center to escape, you may end up with exploding potatoes.
Rub your favorite seasonings such as salt or pepper, along with a small amount of olive or vegetable oil, onto the skin of the potatoes with your hands.
Wrap your potatoes in foil to protect them from burning while on the grill. You need enough foil to cover each potato entirely. Since potatoes vary in size, you’ll have to estimate how much you’ll need, depending on the size of each one.
Cook whole potatoes over indirect heat for about 60 minutes, turning occasionally with tongs to prevent burning and to ensure even cooking. Potatoes are fully baked when a sharp knife is easily inserted in the center.
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Writer Bio
Jeff Herman began his journalism career in 2000. An experienced, award-winning sportswriter, his work has appeared in "The Washington Post," "ESPN the Magazine" and the "Boston Herald," among other publications. Herman has a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from West Virginia University.