Men are not the only ones that can be abusive. Women can also be abusive. Marital abuse is when the spouse attempts to exert control and power over her partner. Here are the top 10 signs you have an abusive wife.
Controlling Behavior
Abusive wives are controlling. She will control who you hang out with, where you go, where you work, what you do with your paycheck, what you wear and how often you talk to family or friends. The abuser will attempt to control you by using body language, according to DrIrene.com. She may refuse to talk to you, ignore you or sulk until she gets her way. She is also a master at controlling conversations.

If your wife is violent, you are in an abusive relationship. If she punches, hits and slaps you, these are obvious signs the relationship is not healthy. She may also try to kick animals, punch holes in the wall or throw things at you when she doesn't get her way.
Extreme Jealousy
Most abusive wives are jealous. There are two parts to jealously. She may be jealous of you as a person or jealous when she is not the center of attention. A spouse who is insecure in a relationship is different from a spouse who is jealous each time you talk to a complete stranger. The later example would be a sign of an unhealthy relationship.

Abusive wives want you all to themselves. They do not want you spending time with platonic co-workers, family or friends. She would rather you be unhappy by yourself. She doesn't want you hanging with other people in fear that they may see the abuse.
Verbal Abuse
If you feel you are walking on eggshells, this is probably a sign of verbal abuse. Your wife is abusive if she yells, screams or emotionally freaks out over small things. She may threaten you and will always dismiss your feelings.
Blames Everyone Else
She blames others. She takes no responsibility for her actions and blames everyone for anything that goes wrong. She will always find a way to blame you. If you have never heard your wife apologize for anything, you may be in an abusive relationship.
Gaslighting is "manipulative behavior used to confuse people into thinking their reactions are so far off base that they’re crazy," according to The Current Conscience. The abuser tells the victim he or she is crazy or "it's all in your head." The victim begins to question reality.
Unreasonable Expectations
Your wife has unreasonable expectations. When you make a mistake, you feel there is nothing you can do to make it up to her. She won't forgive you for your actions, no matter how small the mistake.
Instills Fear

Does your wife put you in situations that make you fear for your life? If she tries to intimidate you, make you feel scared, control and manipulate you to the point where you are fearful of her actions, you are in an abusive relationship.
Can't Handle Criticism
She can't handle criticism. You cannot even give constructive criticism without it backfiring. She perceives everything as negative criticism and is highly offended. But she is more than able to criticize, usually in a rude way. If you tell her she is rude, she will say you are too sensitive.
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Writer Bio
Christina Helm has been writing professionally since 2007. She has contributed to several regional newspapers and online publications.
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