Due to the wide availability of online sources and fast, reliable shipping, it is possible to buy nearly anything and have it the next day. If you live too far from a local source of lobsters and you have a taste for them, you can order them and have them shipped to you frozen. Frozen lobster is a great alternative to fresh because the freezing process does not significantly alter the meat. However, some care should be taken when cooking lobster from its frozen state.
Thaw the lobsters in your refrigerator for about 24 hours before cooking. Place the lobsters in a container to prevent melting water from touching other food. If you do not thaw the lobster and cook it while it is still frozen, the meat will have a tougher texture and the results will not be as good.
If you have less time, submerge the frozen lobsters in cold water. Do not use hot, warm or ice water. This will thaw them more quickly because the thermal mass of cool water will thaw the lobsters without partially cooking them.

Fill the pot about 2/3 full of water and bring to a boil. Steaming the lobster is another option, however boiling is recommended because the cooking time is faster, the meat cooks more evenly and the meat is easier to remove from the shell.
Boil a 1-lb. lobster for 5 to 7 minutes. Add 2 to 3 minutes of cooking time per 1/4 lb. over 1 lb. For instance, a 1-1/2-lb. lobster would be cooked for 9 to 13 minutes.
Watch the time and pot closely and remove the lobsters as soon as they are completely red in color. Be sure to not overcook them. They are still edible if you overcook, but the results are not as tasty.
Put the lobster back in the pot for a few minutes if it is undercooked. Undercooked lobster meat is translucent and not a creamy white color.
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- A 16-qt. pot is the recommended size, but any pot that is large enough to fully submerge the lobster is fine.
- Lobsters will continue to cook for a short time even after you take them out of the water. This is called "carry over." If you think you may have let them cook too long and fear you may overcook them, you can dunk them in ice water to halt the "carry over" cooking.
- Do not add cooking time if you are boiling more than one lobster. For instance, you would cook 2 lobsters that are 1 lb. each for 5 to 7 minutes; do not double the cooking time. If you are cooking multiple lobsters, try to keep the sizes the same in each batch for more even cooking.
Writer Bio
John Granby began his writing career in 2000 as a founding member of a tech industry website targeted at WAP developers. He has provided in-depth coverage of the wireless industry, served as a speaker at several conferences and authored a book on Bluetooth. Granby earned a Bachelor of Science in computer engineering from Purdue University.
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