How to Wash a Face With Powdered Milk

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Powdered milk is a handy thing to have on hand, not only for cooking, but as an effective ingredient in a variety of homemade skin care products that will leave the skin smooth and radiant. The healthy fats in whole powdered milk will moisturize dry or mature skin. Those with oily or sensitive skin will appreciate the soothing qualities of powdered skim milk. In addition to its many skin-friendly qualities, powdered milk facial cleanser is easy on the budget and won't add harmful chemicals to your skin or to the environment. You can use powdered milk cleanser as often as you like.

Place 1 tsp. honey in a cup or small mixing bowl. Place the honey in the microwave for five seconds, or just until the honey is warm and runny. Stir 1 tsp. powdered whole milk into the warm honey.

Substitute powdered skim milk in place of powdered whole milk if you have oily skin. Oily skin will also benefit from four to six drops of lemon juice.

Massage the powdered milk skin cleanser into your face and neck. Rinse the cleanser thoroughly with warm water.

Pat your skin dry with a soft towel. Apply a moisturizer suitable for your skin type.