How to Roast Beetroot

early red beets and young beet leaves image by Maria Brzostowska from

Beetroot is another word for beet, the blood-red root vegetable high in vitamins, minerals and fiber, and low in calories. Beets are popular in Eastern European and Indian cooking, served as a creamy soup, cold as a salad or as a juice. The root of the beet is high in fruit sugar.

Raw Beets image by DSL from

Choose fresh beets, small or large, but firm and without deep blemishes. Cut off the leaves but leave a couple inches of stem. Wash the dirt off the skin of the beets.

cooking oil image by Gary Walker from

Set the oven to 400 degrees. Cover a baking sheet with foil and spread the beets on top. Sprinkle with olive or canola oil and add salt if desired. Cover the beets with foil. Start checking for doneness by piercing with a fork after 45 minutes. Smaller beets will cook faster than large ones.

When beets are tender, remove from oven and let cool enough to handle. Remove the skin, which should come off easily. Eat the beets warm or serve cold as a salad or in a salad with other ingredients.