Bumps are common occurrences on nose piercings because they are easily bumped, and cartilage also takes longer to heal than the fleshy areas of the body such as the ear lobes. They often appear as red bumps right beside the piercing, and can be very hard to resolve. Causes for the bumps range from irritation to excessive scar tissue known as keloids or granulomas. A granuloma occurs beside a nose piercing due to the body's inflammatory response.
Take an oral anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen if the bump is due to a recent trauma. Trauma to nose piercings include accidentally knocking the nose piercing or pulling the nose ring out.
Soak your nose in a salt water solution. Mix 1 cup of warm water with 1/8 tsp. of sea salt. The water should be as warm as you can stand it, but not so hot that it will burn your skin. To soak your piercing, tilt your head sideways and insert into the cup of water. This task is more comfortable if you soak it while lying down. Alternatively, use cotton balls soaked in the salt water solution, holding each one against your nose until it cools off. Soak at least twice a day.
Apply a small amount of over-the-counter cortisone cream to the bump to help decrease the inflammation.
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- Seth Cameron; Professional Piercer; Pro-gress Piercing; Raleigh, North Carolina
- Infinite Body Piercing: Nostril Piercing
Writer Bio
Amber Canaan has a medical background as a registered nurse in labor and delivery and pediatric oncology. She began her writing career in 2005, focusing on pregnancy and health. Canaan has a degree in science from the Cabarrus College of Health Sciences and owns her own wellness consulting business.
Photo Credits
julia image by dani kreienbühl from Fotolia.com