How to Get Ink Out of Silk Clothing

Do you have a ball point ink stain on your favorite silk piece of clothing? Silk clothing is one of the most delicate materials you can wear. Because it is so delicate you can’t use just anything to remove the stain. Throwing it in the washing machine is not a good choice either. You only have one shot, treat it quickly.

Place a washcloth under the stain area where the spot is located. This is to keep anything from rubbing off, staining other areas of clothing.

Lightly wet the spot with another washcloth. Once it is wet, spray the spot with hairspray so the alcohol can do it’s magic, breaking up the ink stain.

Make a small solution (make it equal except with a little more water than other ingredients) of humectant, dish washing liquid, water and vinegar (little vinegar). Mix it. If you put it in a spray bottle, this will make it easier to apply to the stain. Apply solution to the stain.

Let it set for a bit, about a half hour, but not long enough to dry. Then rinse it with water.

Blot it with an old washcloth with (rubbing) alcohol on it. The ink should begin to come off onto the washcloth with alcohol. Continue this process. If the stain is still not completely gone, repeat all steps over until it is. After stain removal, clean your clothing delicately as usual.