Bison is a heart-healthy alternative to traditional red meat. The flavor is slightly more robust and pronounced and has a slight sweet taste to it. Bison is also lower in calories and fat and can be used in any recipe where you would normally use beef. Despite its similarity to ground beef, the preparation of bison is a bit different. Because the lower fat content, it must be cooked slowly and at low temperatures o prevent it from drying out and becoming tough.
Season your meat according to your personal preferences.
Shape meat into patties. When forming your burgers, remember that bison has very little shrinkage. Because of the low shrinkage factor, you can make patties that are the size of your desired final burger. One-half-inch thick is a good rule of thumb for the size of an ideal patty.
Cook bison burgers in a skillet over a medium flame. This is the best way to maintain moisture. It is possible to cook bison burgers on a grill if you keep the flame very low and constantly baste with barbecue sauce or some other marinade.
Turn the burgers using tongs or a spatula rather than a fork. You don't want to pierce the meat and allow the juices to escape, leaving the burgers susceptible to drying.
Cook burgers for five to seven minutes on each side. The internal temperature should reach 155 to 156 degrees Fahrenheit to be safe for consumption. Use a digital meat thermometer to be sure of the temperature.
Allow the meat to rest for five minutes following cooking in order to seal in juiciness.
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Writer Bio
Charmiane Wilson's writing career began in 1992 as a contributing reporter and writer to "Hollywood Beat" entertainment magazine. This position lasted until 2005, when she returned to her passion of writing fiction. Her novel, "A Series of Prayers," was published in late 2008. She holds an associate degree in business from Axia College.