Activities to Teach Children to Hear God's Voice

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Whether you are teaching a Sunday school class, or instructing your child from home, it's important to teach your child the importance of God's voice from an early age. Children may find this concept hard to grasp onto as God's voice varies greatly from the voices in human form that we are used to. Activities are a great way to teach children about God while keeping him or her interested.

Voice Identification

For this exercise you will need a tape recorder and 4-10 children. Have each person speak 2-3 sentences into the tape recorder. As you are leading the activity, write down the order in which the kids spoke. After each child has had a turn speaking into the tape recorder, play the recording. Ask the children to listen carefully and identify each voice. Remind them that as they have to listen carefully to identify whose voice is whose, they must also listen carefully for God's voice during everyday activities.

Enhanced Hearing

Roll a piece of poster board into a cone and tape it. Instruct the children to get into pairs, or work with a single child. Tell your children that God gave pets such as cats and dogs excellent hearing but humans must try a little harder to hear what he has to say. Have the child put the cone up to his ear. Whisper inspirational phrases into the cone, and ask if he heard you. Try several times whispering phrases with the speaker being closer and farther away from the cone. The partners should switch places when ready.

Flash Cards

Begin with a bible story or a short introduction on how sometimes it's hard to hear God's voice because we aren't listening closely enough. Using note cards, write down a variety of scenarios in which children would have to choose to listen to God or would ignore his teachings. An example scenario would be one in which your child was persuaded to do something wrong, such as lying to a parent. Ask the children what God's voice would instruct them to do.

Tuning It Out

Instruct your child or children to grab a partner and begin a conversation. As they begin talking, use a variety of objects to make noise. Try turning on loud music, playing an instrument, or turning on a blender. After 2-3 minutes, ask the children to relay the conversation that was had. Most likely, not all of the conversation was heard or understood. Relate the noise that you made to the everyday noise that people come in contact with. Tell the children the importance of tuning out the noise and listening to God.