Stimulants in Chocolate That Are not Caffeine

Homemade chocolate truffles with nuts, coconut and cocoa powder

Анна Курзаева/iStock/Getty Images

Yearly, people eat about three million tons of cacao beans worldwide as chocolate, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Aztecs of Mexico made a bitter drink called “chocolatl” from cacao beans, maize and water. Today, cacao beans, milk solids and sucrose make up most chocolate foods. A variety of stimulants other than caffeine comprise dark chocolate, white chocolate, milk chocolate, cocoa or chocolate flavorings in candy, desserts and drinks.


Sugar (in combination with milk fat) in chocolate produces an explosion of endorphins and serotonin neurotransmitters in the brain, according to Sometimes referred to as a “sugar high,” the combination can be a mood elevator.


Theobromine is an ingredient in chocolate that can stimulate a person, although it doesn’t affect the central nervous system like caffeine. Theobromine is about one-tenth the strength of caffeine and is a diuretic, and because of its ability to relax the bronchial muscles, can be used as a cough medicine. Theobromine can be toxic to dogs and cats.


Phenylethylamine is another stimulant found in chocolate. According to the, it has a similar chemistry to amphetamines. It releases dopamine in the brain at the mesolimbic pleasure center.


Anandamide can produce psychoactive stimulation as an endogenous cannabinoid, according to However, it is present in such small amounts in chocolate that you would have to eat several pounds of chocolate to get any psychoactive stimulation. The Canadian Medical Association states that endogenous cannabinoids such as anandamide can have an analgesic (pain killing) effect.