The HCG diet is based on discoveries by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, author of the book “Pounds and Inches.” Users of the diet are able to lose significant amounts of weight by carefully following a calorie-based menu and combining this with daily supplements containing the human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone. This is in line with Dr. Simeons’ theory that the actions of the HCG supplement can be used in reprogramming the way the body burns fat.
Diet Overview
There are three phases in the HCG Diet. The first stage lasts for 48 hours. During this period, dieters are encouraged to junk up on high calorie foods. This is combined with 10 to 15 HCG drops taken three times a day. The second phase lasts from 21 to 40 days. During the second phase, dieters are required to restrict their daily calorie intake to 500 calories. For the third stage, which lasts for 21 days, men are allowed 1,000 calories while women are permitted 800 calories.
Permitted Cooking Oil
Saturated or hydrogenated vegetable oils are not allowed during the HCG diet because of the high calorie content and unhealthy effect on the body’s cholesterol level. Instead, dieters are permitted to cook with low calorie oils that are enriched with vitamin D. Good examples include extra virgin oil, sesame oil and coconut oil. Coconut oil in particular comes highly recommended. recommends that you limit use as much as possible.
The Benefits of Coconut Oil
The use of coconut oil offers a lot of benefits to the body. Coconut oil contains lauric acid which improves your protection against bacterial and viral infection. It also stimulates your thyroid, increasing your body’s metabolism and lowering your cholesterol levels. During an online interview with the Huffington Post, Dr. Joseph Mercola noted that coconut oil is one of the richest sources of medium-chain fatty acids. Unlike long-chain triglycerides, this type of fat does not cause unhealthy spikes in insulin level. The use of coconut oils is believed to alleviate dry skin conditions as well as prevent dandruff.
Safety Considerations
The strict requirements and use of HCG supplements make the HCG diet a challenging and contentious weight-loss option. Although most nutritionists agree that imposing a calorie restriction may trigger weight loss, there is also concern for the potential health implications. According to Jennifer K. Nelson, a Mayo Clinic nutritionist, the use of HCG can lead to side effects such as headaches, irritability, fatigue and male breast enlargement. The drastic calorie reduction can also cause the formation of gallstones.
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