For both business and personal growth, it is a prudent idea to surround yourself with people who support you in your dreams and aspirations. A supportive person gives feedback when asked and is an effective listener. Look at the people that are closest to you in life. Ask yourself if being around them increases or drains you of energy. Supportive people will increase your energy, and non-supportive people will drain it. People often want to be surrounded by loving, supportive, like-minded people but might not know how to recognize the qualities of supportive people.
Listen to people when they talk. A supportive person acknowledges differences of opinion and another person’s point of view without taking it personally. He understands that each person has her own passions and viewpoints based on her personal experience. If asked, he will offer feedback that is open and honest. He will offer various solutions to a given problem and ask questions for clarification. A supportive person offers constructive criticism without putting the values of a person down. He respects other people’s decisions, even though he may not agree with them. He empathizes and offers assistance.
Watch body language to recognize the qualities of supportive people. A supportive person will make eye contact and lean towards people when talking to them. Her smile and gestures are genuine. Just being around her seems to put others at ease. Supportive people often offer a pat on the back or a hug. She is usually the first person to offer a helping hand and is often seen holding doors open for people or giving up her place in line. Another quality of a supportive person is her willingness to serve. She often donates her time to charities and those less fortunate.
Communicate with people and find those that make you feel that you are important. In addition to accepting people just as they are, supportive people have an uncanny quality to make those around them feel safe, comfortable and important. For example, a supportive person will take your side in a confrontation and take the time to listen to you when you are in need. He speaks with integrity. He is willing to show his weaknesses and is quick to forgive. A supportive person truly has your best interests at heart. He will respond kindly to requests and make adjustments to be supportive, such as rearranging his schedule to attend special events in your life.
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Writer Bio
Cyndi Bass has been writing professionally since 2000. She specializes in writing about self-help, weight loss, health, credit, families, parenting and government assistance programs. Her experience includes ghostwriting for numerous websites, blogs and newsletters. She has worked in social services in the credit industry and she holds a human service certificate from the University of California at Davis.
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