How to Bleach Satin

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Not all satin fabrics can be bleached. Satins containing polyester cannot be bleached because bleach damages the polyester fibers. The polyester fibers will turn yellow, regardless of the original color. If your satin does not contain polyester fibers, you can bleach it with a two-step process, which includes removing color and then bleaching it. If you're unsure about the fiber content of the fabric, test a small piece before subjecting the entire piece to the bleaching process.

Put the color remover into the washing machine. If your washing machine is a top-loading machine, fill the tub with hot water first and then add the color remover. For front-loading machines, place the color remover in the detergent dispenser and set the machine for a hot-water cycle. Put the satin in the washing machine and allow the machine to run a whole cycle.

Fill a 5-gallon bucket or a clean kitchen sink with 2 gallons of warm water. Add 2⅔-cup of household bleach to the water and stir it with a long spoon. Protect your clothes from bleach splashes by wearing an apron.

Submerge the satin in the bleach solution, and stir it with your long spoon to ensure all areas of the satin are penetrated by the bleach. Allow the satin to remain in the bleach solution for 5 minutes.

Drain the bleach solution from the sink, or, if you were using a 5-gallon bucket, dump the bleach solution down a drain. Rinse the satin thoroughly with cool water.

Fill the sink or bucket up with cool water and submerge the satin. Swish the satin around in the water and then drain the water again. Hang the satin on a clothesline or a shower rod to dry. If the satin has not achieved the color you want, repeat the bleaching process again.