When you are mulling over all the masterful meals you can create in your slow cooker, cauliflower may not be high on the ingredient list. Cauliflower makes a suitable "fitting-in-some-vegetables" kind of side dish for several meals, it takes up some space in your salad bowl, and it's a crunchy addition to a raw vegetable plate, but it's probably not top-of-mind when crafting slow cooker menus. Fresh cauliflower has a texture that stands up well to the slow cooker, and it makes a valuable addition to more elaborate meals or all by itself.
Wash your head of cauliflower thoroughly under cool water, then pat it dry with a paper towel. Plug in the slow cooker and set it to high to preheat.
Hold the head of cauliflower securely with one hand on a cutting board and cut it in half with a sharp knife. Next, cut it into quarters directly through the core.
Locate the stem in the middle of each quarter, then cut it out with your knife and discard it. Separate all the florets with your hands or cut them into smaller bite-sized pieces, if desired.
Add the cauliflower florets to the slow cooker and cover with water, vegetable or chicken broth. Add seasonings like salt and pepper, garlic and spices and place the lid on the slow cooker. Let the cauliflower cook for approximately 4 hours, until tender, then remove it and serve.
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- For a flavorful meal in a pot, add chicken, other vegetables and spices -- after heating them in a skillet -- to the slow cooker along with the cauliflower.
- Try mashing the cauliflower like potatoes or serving whole florets with cheese sauce for a different twist.
- For a slower cooking meal, set the slow cooker to low and let the cauliflower cook for approximately 6 hours.
Writer Bio
Joshua McCarron has been writing both online and offline since 1995. He has been employed as a copywriter since 2005 and in that position has written numerous blogs, online articles, websites, sales letters and news releases. McCarron graduated from York University in Toronto with a bachelor's degree in English.