What Is Sirloin Roast?

Image by Flickr.com, courtesy of Ernesto Andrade

The term sirloin roast is most often used in the United Kingdom to describe a thick cut of beef from the upper back section of the cow. In the United States a sirloin roast often has multiple names and comes from either the sirloin or the rump section of the cow.

Top Sirloin Roast

This is a lean, boneless cut that comes from the sirloin primal cut of the cow in its hind midsection. To cook properly, a top sirloin roast requires dry heat. Depending on the U.S. region where this cut is sold, there can be many names for it: beef loin top sirloin roast, top sirloin roast cap off, sirloin strip roast and top sirloin butt center cut roast.

Loin Tri Tip

The loin tri tip also comes from the lean sirloin portion of the cow. Tri tip is commonly used on the west coast to describe this cut, but it is also called triangle roast, bottom sirloin roast or tri tip roast. For best results, cooking it with dry heat is suggested.

Round Tip Roast

Round tip roast comes from the rump section of the cow. Although it is considered a lower quality of meat, proper cooking can make this cut flavorful. Tip sirloin roast and sirloin tip roast are other names for this portion, which requires a moister cooking style for best results.


With a top sirloin roast, cook at a temperature between 250 and 325 degrees F., depending on the weight, which also indicates the time the roast remains in the oven. Tri tip roast should be cooked at 425 degrees F. for 30 to 40 minutes. Round tip roast is cooked at 325 degrees F., but the length of time depends on the roast's weight. Consult your recipe for more information on how to properly cook beef roasts.

Sirloin Roast in the U.K.

In the United Kingdom this primal cut comes from the upper back section of the cow, which is a much larger section than in the United States. It is cooked with or without a bone, depending on the chef's preference, and often accompanies Yorkshire pudding. Roast sirloin and roast beef are often considered interchangeable terms for this dish.