People with the INFP type personality are idealists who endeavor to improve the world and provide an unusual perspective in life. You need specific social skills to be able to interact with INFPs -- unlike many others they are sensitive and prone to introspection. With the right techniques, you can uncover their natural talents and interact with them in ways that help them feel important.
Core Personality
INFPs are considered to be introverted, intuitive, feeling and perceiving. These people are intuitive about others and able to understand others. INFPs endeavor to find meaning and truth in their lives and use this information to enhance the world around them. These individuals tend to be imaginative and have a rich fantasy life, and their idealism leads them to see positivity where many don't. Each of these elements is important in interacting with INFPs. Their inclination toward optimism, internal emotion and a vibrant fantasy life colors how they approach others and the world.
INFPs are not quick to express emotion. Their emotional lives are internal and private, not easily shared with others. In communicating with INFPs, help them feel comfortable and welcome in expressing themselves. Though they have reservations about communicating feelings, INFPs have a rich and thoughtful emotional life. Do not pressure INFPs into revealing their emotional workings. Forcing them to express themselves can exacerbate the loneliness INFPs feel.
Handling Conflict
INFPs detest conflict. For them, there is a burden in conflict. When arguing with others, INFPs tend to feel bad. Because their world is largely guided by emotion, they will avoid conflict to avoid the negative feelings surrounding it. If you have an issue with INFPs, respect their perspective on conflict. Give them space and time to process the issue -- doing so will help them work at their own pace to figure out how to approach it.
Important Feelings
As feelers, INFPs value emotion over logic. Emotional appeals work best for them compared to objective analysis. When trying to persuade INFPs, use emotional arguments to appeal to their value of feelings. Respect their ideas -- INFPs hold their values near to them, so critiquing them may be considered a personal attack. They become passionate advocates for projects they care about, so respect the significance of their important tasks. By respecting their feelings and values, you show INFPs you care about them.
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Writer Bio
S. Grey has a Master of Science in counseling psychology from the University of Central Arkansas. He is also pursuing a PhD and has a love for psychology, comic books and social justice. He has been published in a text on social psychology and regularly presents research at regional psychology conferences.
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Michael Blann/Digital Vision/Getty Images