Principles of Effective Communication Skills

Communication is essential in every area of life, says Sherwyn P. Morreale of the National Communication Association. Whether in a friendship, business, marriage or any other organization, it is the medium in which people express information and feelings. Many people communicate a lot, but very few communicate effectively. Basic principles will help anyone looking to improve her communication skills and provide the guidance needed to feel confident in what is being said. Ineffective communication has the power to confuse, destroy and damage relationships and business opportunities. Effective communication is essential for success in life.


Effective communication begins with listening. The person who listens effectively will have the ability to respond appropriately to what is being communicated. If a person has the ability to communicate their thoughts with precision and accuracy but does not effectively listen, their communication will be irrelevant because they will be responding to something besides the issue at hand. Listening and knowing how to respond will create an atmosphere for change and healthy growth in any situation.


The primary effect of practicing the principles of effective communication skills is vivacious and healthy relationships. One of the greatest effects of successful communication are the abilities to be understood and to understand. This generates deep satisfaction with the individual or the team, which leads to greater trust and dependence. A person who has effective communication skills can win people's hearts quickly without using manipulation or deceit.


Tim Borchers, chair of the communications department at Minnesota State Moorhead, says everyone speaks in code. Some codes are more difficult to understand than another, but with patience and practice, the individual codes can be understood. How many times have you heard, "that's not what I meant?" Every person has certain perceptional filters that they receive and communicate information through. If a conversation becomes confusing and frustrating, it is most likely because of misunderstanding. Learning another person's perceptional filters will break down the wall of confusion and provide great light on any relationship.


It is a misconception that a person can over-communicate. The opposite is true. Dr. Mike Armour, who runs a leadership-development company, says most people don't communicate enough of their thoughts and emotions and end up in frustrating and compromising situations. If you're not being understood, don't give up; keep going and eventually you will be able to place the appropriate words to the thoughts you want to communicate. Effective communication requires great patience so go ahead and over-communicate.


The benefits of practicing the principles of effective communication skills are a healthy, strong and growing relationship or organization. Effective communication minimizes misunderstandings and empowers others to succeed. Effective communication also provides great satisfaction within when an individual can both understand and be understood.