How to Iron Out Wrinkles in Corduroy Images

A sturdy, durable fabric, corduroy is easy to recognize by the stripes, or ribs, that run the length of the fabric. Favored for stylish pants, dresses and jackets, corduroy has a luxurious, velvety feel. The width of the ribs varies from narrow-wale corduroy with 18 to 30 ribs per inch to wide-wale corduroy with only four to six ribs per inch. Because corduroy contains cotton fibers, it is prone to wrinkles. Removing the wrinkles from corduroy without marring the pile requires special handling.

Step 1

Turn the corduroy garment inside out. Lay the garment on the ironing board and smooth the fabric with your hands. Ironed-in wrinkles and creases are difficult to remove.

Step 2

Fill the iron with water and preheat it to the heat setting recommended on the garment care tag -- usually the delicate or wool setting. Turn on the steam setting.

Step 3

Hold the iron above the wrinkled area and release a burst of steam onto the fabric.

Step 4

Press the corduroy fabric lightly, using a lift and lower method. Move the iron straight down so the tip barely touches the fabric. Lift the iron straight up, and move the iron to the adjacent area. Don't slide the iron because that may flatten the pile and cause a smooth, shiny appearance.

Step 5

Repeat lifting and lowering the iron, pressing with the tip of the iron only. Let the steam do most of the work.

Step 6

Turn the garment right side out and brush the corduroy gently with your hand or a suede brush. Brush in the direction of the pile.

Step 7

Hang the garment immediately to keep the corduroy wrinkle-free.