What Is a Faradic Facial Treatment?

facial treatment

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Faradic facial treatments use electrical muscle stimulation, effectively exercising the facial muscles. The electrical currents are quickly turned on and off, creating an active period where the muscles contract as the current flows and an inactive period where muscles relax. According to Susan Cressy, author of "Beauty Therapy Fact File," faradic facial treatments firm facial muscles, improve skin luster, energize tired skin and encourage cellular regeneration.

Getting a Faradic Facial Treatment

Faradic treatments typically follow a regular facial for a completely clean and oil-free starting point. After a skin sensitivity test is conducted to ensure your facial muscles won't be injured by the treatment, the esthetician will begin application of the faradic currents at the neck and work her way up. Your tolerance and the reaction of your muscles will determine how much and how frequently the currents are applied to each area of your face and neck. Treatments generally take 15 minutes to complete and should be repeated several times a week over a few weeks for optimal results. For maintenance, plan to have treatments thereafter on a regular basis.