The Dangers of Roquefort Cheese

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Roquefort cheese is a decadent blue cheese from France. This cheese has a strong aroma and creamy, potent flavor that goes well with nuts, fruits and wines such as port and muscat. Roquefort cheese can be a wonderful treat for anyone who enjoys fine cheeses. However, there are a few health concerns to keep in mind when eating Roquefort cheese.


Roquefort cheese is delicious and decadent. Like many decadent foods, this cheese is high in calories and fat. In one ounce of Roquefort cheese, there are about 105 calories and 9 grams of fat. High calorie and fat intake can easily lead to obesity. Obesity, in turn, can lead to a number of health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. When enjoying Roquefort cheese, indulge infrequently and in small amounts in order to reduce both the fat and calorie intake.

High Cholesterol

Roquefort cheese, aside from being caloric, also has a high fat and cholesterol content. There are about 26 mg of cholesterol in a single ounce of Roquefort cheese. Only about 200 to 400 mg of cholesterol should be eaten per day. Cholesterol accumulates in the arteries of the body, leading to restricted blood flow. People with high cholesterol face heart disease, as well as problems with arteries in other parts of the body, such as those leading to the brain. People with high cholesterol should avoid high-fat, high-cholesterol foods, such as Roquefort cheese, or eat this cheese in small quantities only.


Roquefort cheese is aged for several months, until it develops a harmless, flavorful mold. This mold gives the cheese its blue coloring, and is why many different cheeses are called blue cheese. Although this mold is harmless, other types of mold can quickly grow on a Roquefort cheese that has been left too long, or has not been properly stored. These other molds can easily make a person sick. Because the cheese is already moldy, determining if there is new mold can sometimes be challenging. Store this cheese wrapped tightly in plastic wrap. Keep it in the refrigerator for only between three and four weeks.


Listeriosis is a serious bacterial infection. It’s caused by the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. This bacteria, which is often found on animals or animal food products, such as soft cheeses, can lead to serious illness when consumed. Vomiting, skin irritations, lethargy and jaundice are only a few symptoms. Serious health problems such as meningitis and septicemia can also result from this bacteria. In pregnant women, miscarriages and stillborn births are common when Listeriosis has been contracted. Although this bacteria is relatively rare in high enough concentrations to cause health problems, and does not usually occur on pasteurized products, it’s important to remain cautious. Only eat fresh, pasteurized cheeses from reliable retailers. Avoid soft cheeses, such as Roquefort, if you’re pregnant.