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Role of a Business Education Teacher

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Business is a practical subject that prepares students to be employees, managers, entrepreneurs and business owners. Business students learn units such as economics, finance and management principles. Ideally, a business education teacher should have a degree in education with a minor in business, or an advanced business degree. He also needs certification to teach business to high school and college students.

Prepare Material

The teacher is responsible for implementing the approved curriculum and sourcing for instructional material. However, business is a dynamic subject, and a teacher needs to conduct research through business journals, magazines, newspaper articles, online sources and even social media to find relevant information. His should incorporate current business topics such as ethical corporate governance and the adoption of international financial reporting standards in America. However, the course material must be tailored to the appropriate learning level.

Deliver Instruction

A business teacher should try to be creative and interesting to engage his students. He can relate theoretical business concepts such as business financing to real-life situations such as Facebook's IPO, or teach about corporate succession using Apple as an example. Varying the mode of instruction is also effective. Students can be divided into groups to engage in short-term projects to learn business writing and reporting. Also, he can illustrate the dynamics of workplace relationships by having some students play the role of managers while others are employees. The teacher can also take advantage of the Internet to teach students about online business such as networking; virtual marketing; and trading in securities, commodities and bonds.

Examine Students

Periodic examinations and assignments are necessary for evaluation. A business teacher can organize students into teams where they complete projects containing actual data from the market. The team then teaches their classmates using audio-visual presentations, case studies and role plays. A teacher can then assess their ability to research, present and critically evaluate business issues.

Address Concerns

On the basis of oral and written evaluations, a teacher can determine the learning style that is most effective for his students and to advise them on future career options. Although a teacher should apply a variety of teaching techniques, students may prefer a particular method, and their feedback is useful for identifying the best instructional methods. For example, students may prefer webinars where they interact with business executives and other experts in the field to get real-life business knowledge and experience. The business teacher may also advise students on possible career options depending on their interests. For example, creative and animated students may do well in sales and marketing careers.

Career and Technical Education Teachers salary

  • Top 10% Annual Salary: More than $98,760 ($47.48/hour)
  • Median Annual Salary: $59,140 ($28.43/hour)
  • Bottom 10% Annual Salary: Less than $36,700 ($17.64/hour)

Joseph Petrick has been a writer and editor since 2003. He writes career, business and education articles. His work has appeared in several online publications including Career Today. Petrick holds a Master of Arts in philosophy/economic anthropology from Pennsylvania State University.

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Pixland/Pixland/Getty Images