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RFP Writer Job Description

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Request for proposal (RFP) writers develop specific documents detailing every aspect of the job they are soliciting bidders for, as well as variables vital to securing the bid. His job requires that he explains all documentation -- such as proofs of liability or workers compensation insurance -- needed from potential bidders. Part of the RFP writer's job may include coordinating with other departments and understanding specific laws important to the proposal. Ideal RFPs will save time by ensuring bidders prepare their proposals according to specification.

Streamlining The Evaluation Process

Writing an RFP requires the writer to streamline the evaluation process when bidding for goods and services. RFP writers must be familiar with the needs of his company in order to draft an evaluation process that not only yields the ideal candidate, but is specific enough to thwart unwarranted solicitors. He will go in-depth regarding the scope of the services, specifying desired quality, quantity, dimensions, features and anything vital to the project.

Identify Restrictions

A detailed explanation regarding restrictions on products and services is necessary. The RFP writer will explain what, if any, restrictions are needed. For instance, he will explain if the ideal bidder must use certain vendors complying with specific corporation guidelines or other practices deemed integral. This allows the RFP writer to weed out undesirables, and strengthens the streamlining of the bidding process.

Budgeting and Bidding

The project budget, including price range and ceiling, should be specified by the RFP writer. The budgeting aspect requires the writer to be familiar with the cost of similar services or products used previously in order to get the most inclusive bids. The writer will provide the context for bidders by providing goals, expectations and reasons for bids.

Describe Selection

A good RFP will supply information relevant to selection. The RFP writer should give deadlines for proposals, and detail when the proposal will be reviewed, who will review it and when approval or rejection will be made. He will outline rigorous selection processes, such as whether or not preferences are given toward location, specific individuals or companies. Communicate the desired qualities and capabilities needed in bidders, as well as company stance on in-house and outsourced services.


Johnny Kilhefner is a writer with a focus on technology, design and marketing. Writing for more than five years, he has contributed to Writer's Weekly, PopMatters, Bridged Design and APMP, among many other outlets.

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