How to Reduce the Size of the Display on a Monitor

By Serm Murmson

You can change your monitor's display size to suit different tasks.
i Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

Monitors come in all shapes and sizes to fit various display needs. However, you don't need a different monitor to accommodate different display sizes. If you need a smaller display resolution, you can change this from within Windows. If you reduce the size of your display, some of your monitor space will appear as a black frame around the display. If the reduced display size becomes uncomfortable or unnecessary, you can restore your monitor back to its maximum recommended resolution.

Step 1

Move the cursor to the upper right corner of the screen to open the Windows menu bar.

Step 2

Click Search and type "Display" into the Search field.

Step 3

Click "Settings" and then "Display." This will bring up the display settings configuration menu.

Step 4

Click "Adjust Resolution" and then click the "Resolution" drop-down menu.

Step 5

Select a new resolution that fits your desired display size. Once you have found a reduced resolution that suits your needs, click "OK."
