How to Remove Gigi Wax

make up eyebrow image by Julia Britvich from

Waxing is one of the easiest ways to remove unwanted hair from the body. The company GiGi has made waxing available to the masses by creating home wax pots and wax. Although many people may be good at waxing themselves or others in their home, they may not know how to remove the wax residue from their skin. Removing GiGi wax is actually a simple process.

Dip the corner of a wash cloth in GiGi Wax Off Remover for Skin or in the cheaper alternative, baby oil. Dab the skin with the wetted corner of the wash cloth. Let the remover or the baby oil sit for a few seconds to soften the wax, then wipe off the residue wax. It should slide right off.

Wet a cotton ball with toner. Wipe the area where the residue wax was. This removes the remover or baby oil from the skin. If it is left on the skin, it may clog the pores and create pimples.

Wash the waxed area with facial cleanser, or body cleanser if the area waxed was not on the face. This will remove any leftover wax or remover on the skin. Rinse your skin with cool water to close all the pores and keep them free of infection.