How to Remove Acne Scars With Water

Credit: Schick - Copyright: morgueFile free photo / Schick

Water is an essential ingredient for human survival. The human body needs water to survive. The skin is no exception. Water is essential to skin health. Water is beneficial to the health of skin and helps speed acne scar removal. Light acne scarring can be fully healed with the use of water. Moderate and severe acne scarring may require treatment from a dermatologist. Even with moderate and severe acne scarring, water is a beneficial ingredient to aid skin healing and scar removal.

Drink plenty of fresh water daily. Drinking at least six 8-ounce glasses of water a day, provides your body with the hydration that it needs to form new collagen and build healthy skin. Water also helps cleanse the body of toxins. A healthy body is essential for healthy skin.

Place a washcloth that is saturated with warm water on your face for five minutes. Do this twice a day before washing your face. The warm water opens your pores, making it easier for oils and dirt to be removed during washing. Clean pores make the skin healthier, and healthier skin heals faster.

Rinse your face thoroughly with cold water after washing. Cold water closes your pores, which makes it more difficult for dirt to enter your pores. A thorough rinsing also helps to remove irritating soap residue.

Wash your face with lemon water once a week to help the skin shed old dead skin cells. Shedding old dead skin cells encourages new skin growth and renewal. Encouraging faster skin renewal, speeds up the acne scar removal process. To make the lemon water, mix one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice with one cup of water. Be careful not to get the lemon water in your eyes - the lemon will sting.

Use a salt water scrub once a week to slough of dead skin cells and encourage new skin renewal. To make the salt water scrub, add just enough water to a tablespoon of salt to make a paste. Rub the paste on your skin in circular motion for one minute, being careful to avoid the eyes. Rinse off the salt paste with cold water.