How to Make Pumpkin Pie

Alfredo Tisi/Demand Media

Made from fresh or canned pumpkin, pumpkin pie is the quintessential autumn treat. For a firmer pie, use just two eggs. For a creamier custard, use three eggs. Serves about eight.

Alfredo Tisi/Demand Media

Put an oven rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 375 degrees F.

Alfredo Tisi/Demand Media

Put eggs into a food processor or large mixing bowl and whisk well.

Alfredo Tisi/Demand Media

Add pumpkin, evaporated milk, sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves and salt, and mix. Set aside.

Alfredo Tisi/Demand Media

Warm the pie crust in the oven until it is hot to the touch.

Alfredo Tisi/Demand Media

Pour the pumpkin filling into the warmed pie crust and bake about 35 to 40 minutes, or until filling is set but still a bit quivery, like gelatin, when lightly nudged.

Alfredo Tisi/Demand Media

Cool pie on a rack and refrigerate. Serve either cold, at room temperature or slightly warmed.