How to Make Goosebumps From Shaving Go Away

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The small, red goosebumps that appear after shaving are razor bumps. These bumps can occur on both men and women but are more prone on people with curly or coarse hair and those who have sensitive skin. Razor bumps, known as pseudofolliculitis barbae, will appear after a shave when the hair cuts at an angle making it sharp. The sharp hair curls against the skin penetrating it. The body reacts to this as an infection, which causes the itchy, painful bumps to appear. There are a few precautions to take which can help alleviate this condition.

Refrain from shaving daily and instead wait a few days in between shaving. This will give you skin some time to rest and heal.

Soften the hair with warm water to help ensure an even cut and reduce the chance of shaving bumps. Shave either immediately after you shower or dampen a washcloth in warm water and place on the skin for 5 minutes before shaving.

Apply shaving cream to the hair before shaving. The shaving cream will help reduce friction caused by the razor scrapping across the skin and help reduce bumps. Let the cream sit on the hair for several minutes to help soften the hair.

Massage a moisturizing aftershave lotion into the skin after each shave. The lotion will moisturize the skin and soften the hair follicles to prevent goosebumps or razor bumps from forming.

Apply a commercial razor bump relief product that contains salicylic acid and witch hazel to the skin. Designed to bring relief of itchy, painful razor bumps, the product is available at department stores.