How to Fry Taquitos Without Them Falling Apart

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Taquitos are rolled tacos, usually filled with meat and cheese and topped with salsa, guacamole or sour cream. Baking and frying are both popular methods of cooking taquitos, though frying gives the tortilla a golden color and a satisfying crunch. One of the biggest problems with taquitos is keeping the tortillas from falling apart or unrolling while frying. This can be avoided by taking precautions during the preparation stage.

Step 1

Roll up the taquitos until the filling is entirely covered by the tortilla, leaving the ends open.

Step 2

Whisk together an egg wash of two tablespoons of water to one beaten egg. Use a pastry brush to generously apply the egg wash to the inside of the flap of tortilla. Close the flap, creating a seal to keep it from opening during frying. Do this with each taquito.

Step 3

Place the taquitos on a cutting board with the seam side facing down.

Step 4

Insert a toothpick straight down through the taquito until it hits the cutting board. The toothpick should not go all the way through the taquito, but should be flush with the tortilla. Use one toothpick at each end for maximum support.

Step 5

Place the taquitos in a skillet with the seam side down and the toothpicks pointing straight up. Fry the taquitos for about three to five minutes or until the bottoms develop a golden color.

Step 6

Pull out the toothpicks. Hold the end of one taquito with a pair of tongs; slide a spatula under the opposite end. Use the two tools together to roll the taquitos to the other side with the sealed seam now facing up. Fry for three to five minutes or until golden.

Step 7

If desired, cook the ends for one to two minutes each.