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How to Deal With the Disappointment of Not Getting a Job

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Dealing with the disappointment of not getting the job you've been hoping for can be difficult. It's especially tough if you made it to the interview stage and lost out to another qualified applicant. Even though it's disheartening, realize that you're not alone and others face the same personal and professional frustrations. You may have to interview for several jobs before you find the perfect fit.

Realize It May Be for the Best

Even though it's disappointing not to get the job you really wanted, it may be for the best. It's difficult to tell whether a job is truly the right fit when you're an outsider who's unfamiliar with the company culture, advises Allison Green on the U.S. News and World Report website. You may think it sounds like the perfect job opportunity, but the hiring manager might not feel like you'd mesh well with other workers or suit their typical clientele. By not getting the job, you may have been spared from heartache and misery in a workplace that isn't well-suited to your personality or job skills.

Press Forward

It's normal to feel sad and disappointed about not getting hired for a particular job, but pressing forward is one of the best ways to deal with the set back. Evaluate anything you might do differently with the next job application or interview, revise any weaknesses in your resume and continue practicing potential interview questions. As you continue your job search, you'll become increasingly aware of what positions truly spark your interest and fit with your short- and long-term career objectives.

Embrace the Process

According to, career expert Julie Erickson reminds job applicants that they don't usually get the first few jobs they apply for because they're in the process of transitioning away from their old employment toward a fresh start. As a job seeker, embrace the process and give yourself room to grow and expand. It may take a few applications and job interviews before you really start to feel comfortable with all the new job possibilities. As you become increasingly familiar with the job-hunting process, you gain more self-confidence and self-awareness. View job rejection as a stepping stone not a dive off the deep end.

Find Support

You're not alone. In a tough economy with a saturated job market, it may be difficult to get a job. You may feel depressed and disappointed, especially if you've applied for several jobs and can't seem to land one. Gaining support from family and friends can make your job frustrations less overwhelming. Without sounding like you're hosting a pity party, discuss your job disappointments with neighbors, relatives and friends, especially those familiar with your career field. Networking is a positive way to find potential job openings and get feedback about your particular skill sets.


As curriculum developer and educator, Kristine Tucker has enjoyed the plethora of English assignments she's read (and graded!) over the years. Her experiences as vice-president of an energy consulting firm have given her the opportunity to explore business writing and HR. Tucker has a BA and holds Ohio teaching credentials.

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