Costs for Ideal Image Treatments

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Although Ideal Image markets its laser hair removal system as having an "affordable, cost-effective, upfront price policy," finding documented examples of costs and pricing will be difficult for any consumer. Because Ideal Image specializes in customized patient treatment, they offer a free consultation to determine what specific treatment plan is needed and the individual cost.

Comparison Pricing

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The cost of typical laser hair removal, according to Doc Shop depends upon the size of the area for hair removal. To get an idea of where laser hair removal costs might start, Doc Shop notes that the American Society of Plastic Surgeons indicates that average prices in the U.S. for the treatment are around $430 (as of 2010), depending upon the area size.


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Ideal Image offers full-body laser hair removal for men and woman and their treatment plans include as many areas of the body as the client wants treated. Typically, the process requires anywhere from five to nine treatments for success but the initial consultation and costs determine if more or less sessions will be needed. Ideal Image provides a lifetime membership to the service and a written guarantee on services but the details of those privileges are only available with the complimentary consultation.

Additional Charges

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Since Doc Shop indicates multiple sessions are required to permanently reduce hair growth on the face, legs, back, arms, bikini and other areas, costs can increase as the more resistant or larger areas require additional sessions. Grey, red and blond hair have less dark pigment to attract the laser light for the process so those clients may require more sessions to achieve the desired results also.