How to Cook Silver Salmon

Photo, close-up of a grilled salmon dinner with green beans, Color

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Silver salmon, also called Coho salmon, offers a tasty, leaner alternative to the redder king and sockeye salmon. This orange-red, large-flaked fish is frequently prepared on the grill, but you can also easily bake or sauté it. Enhance the silver salmon's natural delicate flavor with a sprinkling of your favorite seasonings or serve the fish with a flavorful, creamy sauce, topped with fresh dill.


Select fresh salmon fillets about 1 1/2 inches thick.

Soak the fillets in a bowl of your favorite marinade in the refrigerator for 45 to 60 minutes. A typical salmon marinade includes lemon or lime juice, minced garlic, pepper, honey and a little olive oil.

Place the fillets on the grill for four to five minutes per side over the fire to sear in the flavored juices. Cook the salmon for an additional 10 to 12 minutes to ensure it is cooked through.


Begin with a 2- to 3-pound silver salmon fillet, approximately 1 1/2 inches thick. Rub both sides with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a deep baking pan with aluminum foil and place the seasoned salmon, skin side down, in the pan; do not cover. Bake the fish for 12 to 15 minutes, remove the pan from the oven and let the salmon sit in the pan for several more minutes.

Purchase or prepare your favorite creamy mustard sauce and chill it for at least three hours before serving. Add a few spoonfuls of lemon juice and some coarse pepper for extra zing. Spoon the chilled sauce over the baked salmon. Sprinkle a little fresh dill over the sauced fish before serving.


Saute your coho salmon in a frying pan on top of the stove for a quick, easy yet tasty alternative preparation method. For sautéing, smaller pieces of salmon work best: Each fillet should be no more than 1 1/4 inch thick and weigh approximately 6 ounces.

Rub both sides of each fillet with a thin coating of olive oil and season with coarse salt and pepper. Place the treated fillets, flesh side down, in a nonstick frying pan.

Saute the fillets for two to three minutes on each side over medium-high heat. Remove the pan from the heat, cover it with aluminum foil and allow it to rest for five more minutes so the salmon will finish cooking. Serve with seasoned rice and mustard sauce or with a brown sugar-mustard glaze.